Saturday, January 06, 2007


I try not to make The Come Up too much of a personal diary. I try and stick to videos, photos, news and reviews, but this is just too much. My roommate stole a bunch of life vests off of a plane ( they are located under the seat, we do this all the time, try it ) and put one down this girl from Finland's underwear while she was sleeping. Then he pulled the chord resulting in the most extreme wedgie ever. She said it really hurt her vagina. Click here to see a full size version.


Vancho said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

how did u came into my room?

Anonymous said...

don't mean to poop on your party but what happens if the plane you took those from crashes and people actually need them? They might restock them every takeoff but if they don't thats kinda messed up.

Anonymous said...

oh man that is the funniest shit ive seen all day

Anonymous said...

nudes or never happend.

Anonymous said...

Very funny and also sexy; the Finnish girl and her white panties are HOT!!