Sunday, December 24, 2006


Glenn PP hooked me up with Ralph Sinisi and Will Taubin's parts from the infamous BASE Brooklyn video. If you can watch these and tell me that these two dudes aren't two of the best street riders of all time, you are kicked out of BMX. Thanks Glenn!

Glenn PP's interview will be up very soon, as well as a good Q and A with NYC man of mystery, Launchpad.


Unknown said...

OG status

Anonymous said...

haha, i just watched my old VHS of neighborhood superheros two days ago... good shit

Anonymous said...

Ralph use to be one of my favorites to watch in the FBM videos and that one Road Fools. Does he still ride? We need to see some new footage (with or without a 45 tooth sprocket).

Anonymous said...

taubin is god

Anonymous said...

i was just thinking about terra's part from this vid earlier today.