EDIT: Thanks to Joof for doing this seriously funny interview with Tommy for me:
Where and about how long ago do you first remember learning tuck no handers?
Alright it was probably about a year ago, I was riding some abandoned warehouse with some ramps in with Joof, Teague and some other kids, and I was like hey Joof watch this and I just went up a bank and did a no hander and then that became my signature trick haha.
What's up with the Federal Fraction frame? Isn't it made for flatland? Where is it now?
Well I'm short and its a 19 inch top tube and I used to idolize Steve Hamilton back in the day so I had the opportunity to buy one for 30 dollars so I did it. I guess it's made for flatland but whatever. The first one I had for about 7 months and it got stolen at the banks jam (fuck you whoever it was) but I just recently got another one so hopefully I don't get this one stolen since they don't make them anymore
What's your relationship with your dad like? I've gotten the impression you guys are kind of close, correct me If I'm wrong.
Meh I dunno, hes always stressin' on me to pay my bills on time and be a hard worker and shit but he's awesome. He bought my first bike back in the day and he used to drive me to the skatepark all the time when I didn't drive. And hes always helped me out with bike parts and shit when I didn't have money and something broke. I've actually tried to get him to buy himself a bike haha.
Yeah I've seen that picture in your kitchen haha.. What is your definition of "grimey life"? More-so, what sort of role does it play in your life?
Haha that picture is the best. I guess my definition is just doing whatever it takes to get by in life and not giving a fuck. I guess some people have different interpretations but that's just me. It plays a role in my life pretty much every day. Like stealing Ipod chargers from Wal-mart and returning them for cash so I can get cigarettes and food and shit. Siphoning gas from cars 'cause I got no money. Going to parties and stealing 100 dollar bottles of liquor and pumping off random girls hahaha. All that good shit.
I heard Shitluck wanted you on their team (good one!), how many Sidekicks have you broken? And your car? Also, explain the Quick Check incident. No one saw that coming..
Hahaha Shitluck? Who am I Jeff Cort? Hahaha. I've broken 2 sidekicks. Well I'm postive ive broken one and the other one I left on the roof of my car so I'm pretty sure it fell off and got smashed on route 80. Something breaks on my car at least once a month so its been at least 13 times not counting flat tires. as for Quick Check they leave 8 packs of water right by the door so I used to take one every time I left, and one night I took one like usual and there's some hero standing outside and he yells "did you pay for that?" and I'm like "uhh yeah" and hes like "NO YOU FUCKING DIDN'T!" so he goes into the store and gets the guy working and he's yelling at me saying how he called the cops and I'm going to jail so I'm like fuck this and I start to jog away when all of a sudden the random hero blindsides me and knocks me to the ground and puts me in a choke hold. I couldn't breathe so I bit his arm and then Wade started yelling at him and shit so he got off of me and then the cops came. And they're like "so what happened?" and I'm like "I was trying to steal this water" and some hick ladies like "don't you deny it I saw you take it!" So I yell at her "I'm not denying it you fat fucking whore!" and the hero yells "THATS MY WIFE. YOU JUST OPENED UP A CAN OF SHIT!" and he starts to charge me again but the cops stop him. They took me to jail and my Dad had to come get me because I was only 16 and that was it haha.
Anything going on with the next LSD video? What's up with the nipple earrings? Is it true that LORD clothing flows you sticker packs?
I don't know what's up with LSD, me and Roman Stefanie were supposed to film a split part but I don't really talk to him anymore so I guess thats not happening. I also don't know what's up with the spoke nipple earrings haha. I guess I just rock them because if i ever lose one I have 10 million more. It's not true that Lord flows me sticker packs hahaha. That was Bob and now every time I see him he asks me for cigarettes. I guess I owe him haha.
What can we expect from Grimey BMX in the future?
Eventually I'm going to buy my own camera and make a video. I wanted Wade Young to do it but he's busy with Shook and other shit so I can't really depend on him since hes always going on trips and whatnot. And I guess for shirts if someone asks me for one i just make one. Stickers will be made eventually. Haha I don't know I'm a slacker but sooner or later I'll start getting shit done. www.myspace.com/grimeybmx
Ahh yes, the Shook universe... rumor has it that you're sitting on about 115 quality clips. Why not share them with the world? (You dont have to answer that one hahah.)
It's because I'm out there all day everyday killing it for nobody buy myself. I could have a Standstill or Shake bio if I wanted to, easily. But my shit is too legit for those companies. ( thats joke that not everyone will get so don't bitch at me ) hahah But seriously I don't really film that much shit. Most of the time I go out riding I sit there and just talk shit and smoke cigarettes. Steve-o said he wants to do a hidden section of me in the next Nation vid so I guess I'm filming for that right now. And maybe I'll film another internet video for all the critics out there who didn't like it. ( Fuck all you wack Candian kids who hated on it. YOU KNOW I'M NICE! ).
Anyone, or anything, you want to thank? Shout outs??
Yeah, definitely my Dad and my Mom for everything they've done. Wade Young and Anthony Villani for taking me on all those trips and introducing me to tons of new people. Joof for being my bike mechanic. Steveo for giving me bike parts all the time. Jeff Dupaul for being my shoe sponser. Ryan Taylor at the State clothing company for hooking me up with clothes. Adam for posting my video on the site. Mike Brennan, Bri Guy, Collinson, Chris Marshall, C-beef, Connecticut boyshshs, all my friends that I ride with. Everyone who liked my internet video and all the haters for talking shit on me and making me even more siked to do even more tuck no handers. I'm sure I'm forgetting people, so sorry! If i missed you.
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Thursday, November 30, 2006
Tommy Petrillo Video + Interview
Posted by
6:15 PM
Shane Rossi from Animal got a really good interview on some Swiss website.
Johnny Devlin has a quick interview up on the O-BMX site. That site is updated every day with news from the Orlando scene, videos and mail order bargains. Check it out.
Bruce Crisman is on Federal and says he's going to fakie hop a 15 stair. Quick interview with him here.
Mike Spinner is sponsored by a new knee pad company run by Nate Wessel and Tom Stober. He says that they are the first knee pad company to use special molding technology and that they are lighter and stronger too. I don't know anyone who wears knee pads ( besides Spinner ) but if you're into that, check it out.
Doug Horton interview.
A couple other things:
Sequence of Ryan Sher's insane curved wallride down stairs.
Bunch of new street shots on Ride LI.
The Volume video has an official premiere party going down.
FDR might be getting shut down. That's a damn shame.
Joof video.
The new Young Jeezy CD has officially leaked.
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Posted by
10:05 AM
Labels: animal, BMX, johnny devlin, shane rossi, the come up, volume bikes, young jeezy
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
6 Questions With Jared Washington
Jared's one of the best street riders out which might explain why he's sponsored by Federal and Animal. His crew Rodeo Peanut just dropped their new mixtape and I got at him for a few questions.
1) So what can people who buy this project expect? Is it officially a video or a mixtape?
They can expect to get a pretty good video for under 10 dollars. This is definately a mixtape, no parts, no names on the clips, it's just a bunch of footage we compiled over the spring. When we would get out of class or work we would go hangout and ride and film, eventually the footage started adding up on the computer and we decided to make a small video. We just wanted to make a video that was straight forward and would get you pysched on just going riding. The whole video was done by my boy Evan Nutt, he gets the credit for it.
2) Who is in charge of Rodeo Peanut and who stars in the video?
I dont even know what Rodeo Peanut is honestly. Like 5 years ago I was sitting in class and I think I got a text message from Chris Reyes saying that Rodeo Peanut would be a funny name for a company or something and it kinda just stuck as a joke, we made a name for ourselves pissing some people off when we were younger, but Rodeo Peanut doesn't really exist. The video consists of riders like Mike Brennan, Chris Reyes, Brian Tunney, myself, Gallop, Alfredo "The Fridge" Wilson, Evan Nutt, Tom White, Quiet Chris, Edwin, Rat kid, Little Jeff, Roman Stefaniew, Dominic Biro and Jesse Dewlow.
3) Does Paul Horan have many clips in the video? When can we expect to see him killing street again?
Nah unfortunately theres no Paul Horan clips in this one. We'll see him killing it again before we even know it, if he's good sooner than later.
4) What are the 3 street spots you ride the most?
The black rail, The dime Bank, and Deiner park
5) When you first started getting coverage you had brakes on, now you're
brakeless, are they gone for good? Are the dreads gone for good?
The Dreads are most definitely gone for good, should have been gone a lot sooner but it took me a while to see the light... as for brakes I was pretty much always brakeless on and off back then and happened to have them on when I first started to get coverage, I stopped using them because I couldn't help but land with my hand on the lever while doing barspins, other than that i like them, bike riding does feel a lot better though with out a lever on your bars though and I can not see myself ever putting them back on.
6) Where can people get the mixtape?
They can get it through Animal.
Thanks Jared.
The video isn't listed on the Animal site officially yet so just shoot them an email at info@animalbikes.com and tell them you want to buy it. And buy some shirts and parts too while you're at it ya cheap fucks.
Posted by
6:17 PM
Stop your crying you pig. Well in case you haven't heard, Britney's vagina is all over the internet. Here are my thoughts:
+: Cleanly shaven. The less hair the better when it comes to fuggholes if you ask me.
+: No obvious sores or blemishes. The odds of her having genital warts or herpes are now at least somewhat decreased.
-: C section scar. YECH. That thing is huge! It's almost like a second vagina. Plus, given the kinds of dudes she's been hanging around I'd say there is like a 50/50 chance that some K-Fed is going to slice that thing back open and have his way with it.
-: It's a vagina. No matter how warm, wet or fun they can be, when you take them out of their natural role as a penis stimulant you have to face up to what they are: a big smelly pile of flesh used to urinate, bleed and occasionally push out 9 pound blocks of bone, tissue and muscle.
It's been said that this might have been photoshopped but I doubt it. Moving on:
Anyone who knows what I think of hip hop knows that I think The Game is a little bit fruity ( despite the fact that he dropped one of the best albums of the year ). I, on the other hand, think Nas is usually the shit. Well they got together and did a song which will appear on Nas' next album and it's pretty much as good as it gets in rap these days. Click here to download.
The new Clipse album, Hell Hath No Fury ( buy it here ) is out as of today. Go out and support those VA boys because they just dropped one of the best albums in a long, long time. I'm not sure if I agree with XXL giving the album an XXL rating since there are a few slip ups in my opinion, but it's still off the hook.
Paul Wall wants everyone to stop saying "Nigger". Paul Wall, as a white man, is not allowed to say that word in the first place so it's pretty obvious to me that he's just trying to ruin everyone else's good time. That's like me sending out a press release stating my opposition to parties that I'm not invited to.
At the risk of turning this blog into a racial hotbed, this is really, really, really funny.
I oppose the government trying to make it harder for people to jerk off in public libraries. Aren't we at war or something? There are better things to be doing with your time, librarians.
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Posted by
2:31 PM
What kind of "promo" is 15 minutes long? They just do it different in the UK brotha. This is Joe Cox's new project and it is rad. There will be an interview up with him as soon as we get Steve's blogger account working.
Posted by
7:36 AM
Get Em Daddy.
I heard about this a few months ago but didn't think it was kosher to post about...
That's right, Edwin's a dad. Awwwwwww.
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Posted by
12:14 AM
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Cuban Linx 11/28/06
( Grapes shot by his brother. Not sure what their names are, Grapes posts on the forum )
Another UK street video that kills... no suprise here!
New Bike Check with Spinner.
Skavenger video shoot/photo session with Blackman, Scerbo, Edwin and Vinnie.
Interview with Dave Jacobs about his clothing company, Micreation.
Shrewsbury Skatepark session courtesy of Charlie.
Helldogs video trailer.
Posted by
12:36 PM
Monday, November 27, 2006
Am I the only one who thinks that this looks like, impossible?
Posted by
11:03 PM
2Pac - Sleep Featuring Young Buck and Chamillionaire
This is my favorite posthumous Pac song since "Changes". The beat is so good, Young Buck's verse is wild as usual ( "I'm a runaway slave. You get it nigga? Off the chain." ), Chamillionaire who I'm not normally a big fan of is on point and the Pac verse itself bangs.
Download here.
Team Yayo Trailer.
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Posted by
8:15 PM
New Props 62 trailer.
Klugiewicz on the cover, Steve-o and John Ludwick in the trailer, this might be decent.
Posted by
4:09 PM
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Lots of oldish clips of Steve but the clips of Wade are real good... Don't sleep on the camera man ( he films a large portion of the stuff used in Shook FYI ).
Posted by
11:34 PM
1) The Facad Video
Every internet guru on the planet would have you believe that this video is in contention for the "video of the year" title, so going into viewing it I had try to free my brain of the dreaded internet hype virus and just take it for what it's worth. Davey Watson is insane and ridiculously tech. Bruce Crisman does a one footed nose wheelie on a ledge in a line. He also does a fakie to fakie turndown down like at least 10 stairs. Seth Kimbrough's part is solid, not really as crazy as some of the stuff we've seen from him recently but it's still really good ( it was all filmed in 4 days while he was recovering from an injury, which explains it ). Hoder's part is just fucked up. No barspins or tailwhips, no fancy grinds, just him 360ing gigantic shit, cruising down rails with no pegs and honestly I don't really see how he could have stayed alive if he were to have crashed on his last clip. I thought the music was good too. I'd probably say I liked FitLife more, but it was for sure in the top 5 of the year.
2) The KHE street tire. I've been riding this thing for about 3 months or so I'd guess now and it's been great. The first thing you notice with this tire is that compared to a normal tire it's insanely thin and flexible. You don't need tire levers to pull the bead onto your rim, you can just slide it on by hand. That might make you think that it isn't strong but as far as I can tell it's just as strong as normal tires with big, thick, heavy beads. I have had exactly one flat tire ( which was due to a very large staple finding its way into the tire.
More importantly it is VERY light. It is 17 ounces which is approximately 10 ounces lighter than a Primo Wall or an Animal GLH. ALMOST HALF THE WEIGHT! Those tires probably do last longer but as far as I can tell the KHE is pretty damn durable and shows very little signs of wear despite the fact that I am brakeless and live in a city filled with awful traffic.
The only downside is the price. It costs 34 dollars which is almost twice as much as the previously mentioned Primo and Animal tires. To me though it's clearly a great deal if you're looking to lose some weight. It'll cost you almost 70 dollars to put two of these tires on but you will save well over a pound assuming you're riding 23 ounce tires. Comparatively, if you were to buy a Profile titanium spindle ( which costs around 100 dollars ) you'd only save 4 ounces.
FUN FACT: Mike Brennan ( We The People street destroyer ) told me a few weeks ago that he loves these tires too, if he can ride them anyone can.
Posted by
8:26 PM
"Nick and Spinner" by Keith Romanowski. Lots more pictures of his trip up to the Flow contest on his site, RIDE LI.
Terrible One got their website redone and it looks pretty excellent.
New Orchid ad:
Posted by
8:44 AM
Friday, November 24, 2006
I'm sure some of you were wondering why Tony Neyer left Fly. Well I guess this is why. Not sure about the other two dudes but Neyer is an amazing rider and Johnny Devlin is honestly one of the best street riders I've ever rode with, so they've got the team part at least somewhat covered. They've got a few T shirt designs up on their site as well as sub-5 pound frames so get into it.
Check out the Sputnic site here.
And let me know what you think on the board ( almost 500 members! ).
Posted by
11:21 AM
Random Shit
Chris Doyle does backflips now. I heard that he was doing them close to a year ago but this is the first proof I've seen.
BFI Trailer.
That Zoo York trailer from a few months back finally made it to Youtube ( it was a Quicktime file before ).
Some real deal freestyle shit.
I don't know why everyone is assuming I'm going to post the Google link to the Facad video ( good luck searching for it ). I haven't posted any other rider owned video retail links before and I'm not planning on starting now.
Posted by
3:58 AM
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
6 Questions With Nigel Sylvester
Nigel is one of the hottest riders in many years to come out of New York. Anyone who's seen him ride has been impressed and he's picked up a small army of sponsors in a short period of time including coveted spots on Mirraco and Animal. I caught up with him to ask him about what his life's like and he even got in a few questions for me in the process. Feeeeeeeeeel meeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
1) True or false, you're getting your own reality show on MTV.
First i want to start this off by saying what's poppin B to all my peoples out there "feeeeel meeeeee".
I have to say that rumor is false, but I would of loved to see all the hater's faces when they read that. I'm not getting my own show even though that would of been official hahahha. MTV holla at ya boy!
2) You're sponsored by LRG and Nike now, neither of which are known for sponsoring riders, how'd you get hooked up with those sponsors?
Hahah, yeah I'm really excited to be riding for both companies, things happen for crazy reasons and I just happen to be in the right places at the rite time, know the right people and putting that work in "ALL DAY" feeeeel meeeeee.
3) Was it scary 180 barspinning the 10 stair at the banks? How do you build up to doing a 180 barspin that big?
Nah it wasn't scary I had my mind set on doing it for a while now. It felt real good letting them rip down that set. Feeeeel meeee.
4) Who are 3 riders that don't get the credit they deserve for their riding right now?
Three riders that don't get enough credit for their riding let me think........ they're so many good dude out there so I'll just throw out a bunch of names off the top of my head.... Ralphy aka RR, Big James, Marlon, Lil Jeff. Those are just a few dudes that came to the top of my head real quick.
5) What are you filming for now? Is the Flipside filming all done?
Well right now I'm filming for the new Skavenger mixtape which is going to be FIRE so go cop that EARLS feeeeel meeeeee, and over the next few days i'm going to be finishing my Flipside part. The video is pretty much done, but I got a few last minute things. I gotta give a shout out to Glenn PP aka Double PP all day. Hahhaaahah.
6) There are a lot of new rap albums dropping now, what are you listening to and what are you looking forward to hearing?
Yeah theres a lot of new fire dropping now a days so I listen to a bit of everything, but I just got the new Jay-Z album I haven't formed a solid opinion about it yet but so far it's pretty good. I'm really waiting for the new Young Jeezy to hit the street 'cause his music is fire feeeeel meeeeee.
So let me ask you a few questions.
1) What made you want to start this site?
I realized that there were a lot of hot videos being posted on the internet, but for a lot of people they were hard to find so I had the idea to start collecting them all in one place. Over time I've tried to post news and interviews with the riders I'm into on the site too. I feel like there are a bunch of good BMX sites online but that they show love to corny ass riders that nobody's checking for so I try to focus on real deal street riders that people want to read about.
2) What do you think about the state of BMX right now?
To me, BMX is just me rolling around with my friends. The shit I do on this site is fun and it's helped me meet a lot of cool people but I'm not thinking about all this shit when I'm riding a dirty ass ledge by myself alone at night. There are a lot of fake ass people in BMX who think that they're worth something because they can do a 360 whip or because they got a picture in a magazine and I really don't give a fuck about all that. Thanks for this interview!
Got more questions for Nigel? Hit up the messageboard and I'll try to get them answered for you.
Posted by
9:14 AM
Ever since I started this site it's been me and just me posting everything. I've been thinking about bringing in someone else to share the responsibilities with for a while. Steve's been stoked on the site ever since it started and he's got his ear to the streets of the UK, so he's going to be posting on here too now. All that means for the people who check the site on the daily is more stuff to read, more videos to watch and more content in general. HOLLA!
I am considering bringing on one additional person too, so if you think you'd be a good fit, drop me a line on Myspace or via the email listed up top.
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Posted by
9:00 AM
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
3 Rail Firsts with Ralph Sinisi
Ralph's another one of my childhood riding heroes. His part in DQYDJ was revolutionary. Tons of opposite shit, wild moves down rails and he wasn't scared to wear knee pads on the outside of his jeans. I recently got the chance to meet and ride with him and he was every bit as cool as I figured he'd be when I was a kid. He says he isn't 100% sure if he was the first to do all of these moves so if you take issue with any of these hit me up on the messageboard.
1.The over crook grind.
I am pretty sure it was a nice day. Same type era that George D. was talkin about with Jeff and Bob filmin for DQYDJ. Everybody was sessioning the peako rails real quick before we got the boot. I really don't remember what happened to well, but I think I was smithing it and the back wheel kicked over the other side of the rail. I figured I might as well kick it over a little more. I think the one in DQJDJ my foot blew off. It wasn't any great locked in one.
2.The overtooth
That first went down on these local rails that are real good but have a down hill runway. One night i was over there just getting killed and figured I would just try an overtooth for the hell of it. I was thinking about trying it, but it was a pretty short steep rail and it was tough to judge speed with the run up. I think the first one went pretty well but i clipped the stairs. I was real psyched and think I got back up that got killed a bunch more times. I like that trick though.
3.Overtooth hanger
I was out with Lugo, Z, Will Taubin, and somebody else riding around mid-town. We were out riding for a while and i totally destroyed my bike. I jumped on Lugo's woop and started to session these rails. Z was filming me for a props interview and i was hyped up and real focused. I just pedaled at it and did a nose wheelie on the front peg down it. I think the first one was pretty good and the second one went even better. I don't even remember getting killed too bad that night.
Also while googling his name I came across this old Ride interview with him which is a good read too.
Thanks to Ralph for doing this and you canComment on this post by clicking here.
Posted by
6:06 PM
In response to months of Jim Jones prodding Jay Z in freestyles and mixtape tracks, Jay Z finally fired back via this track, Brooklyn High ( where he rhymes over Jones' own smash hit, Fly High and rips the Dip Set capo a new one ). Best line:
Brooklyn get paper, tote big thangs
Chase niggas around they own ball game ( Rucker )
Ball game nigga. It's over for you lames.
Give me back the chain, it's over for you dames.
Is his use of "dames" a reference to them being bitches or a shot at his long since ditched ex-partner, Dame Dash? Fuck if I know but that shit is crazy.
Jones fired back days later by adding an extra verse to Jay's record and throwing a Juelz Santana verse on as well. Check this interview too for some more thoughts on the whole thing.
Dip Set protege, JR Writer shows that he's down for this beef and takes a shot at Jigga himself. And nobody listened because really, who the fuck is he?
Days later Cam'ron decides he won't be ignoring what's going on and shits on Young Hov himself.
Jay's yet to respond since his initial diss but the word is he's got an entire mixtape coming out directed at the Dips.
Also important to note, even though he's been embroiled in beef for the past few weeks, Jones has still had time to plan the release of a Christmas album:
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Posted by
5:27 AM
Cuban Linx 11/21/06
Andy hit me up with this killer video and told me to shout out the Liverpool crew for putting it together. He also wants you to know that he is really good at Dave Mirra BMX.
Joof's H-Town video.
New Eastern fork with a ton of holes cut in it.
Great interview with Wormz.
The Ride UK blog implies that Ride US might cease to exist at some point in the future.
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Posted by
5:12 AM
Sunday, November 19, 2006
2 Year Old NYC Video
Featuring Lino, Steve-o and some other goons. Try to skip past the unbelievably annoying woman at the beginning which lasts for 3/4 of the video.
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Posted by
10:48 PM
New Nation commercial featuring Steveo and his boy Tom.
NOTK video.
Comment on either of these videos by clicking here.
Posted by
12:55 AM
Saturday, November 18, 2006
I have enjoyed everything Chad Shack has ever been involved in all the way back from the early days of Shine, so when Nuno over at Odyssey offered to send me a copy of the latest issue of Shook, Brain Stormed, I was all about it. Every issue of Shook has been good as far as I'm concerned but some have been better than others. How does this one measure up? I'll give you a part by part run down but don't take my word for it, cop it and decide for yourself.
The first section is this dude Shawn Real. At first I was watching this and thinking "fuck, this dude is really good" but then I realized I had actually seen him ride a couple times at skate parks in Florida last winter and was just as impressed back then. He does a sprocket stall to barspin out on a dumpster. He does a bunch of good street lines and hang fives. His last trick is a huge fucking handplant. Very good way to start the video.
Next up is the west coast mix section. If you hate big white tee shirts and long icepick grinds you'll hate this part. Personally I really like the way all these kids ride and think it's super refreshing compared to all the long haired AIDS victims who dominated video parts a few years back.
Andrew Mick has a full part next. I saw a full part online of this kid recently and was pretty impressed, and while this part shares some of the same footage, it's mostly new stuff. He does an over toothpick down a rail, a really good Derek duster, the world's biggest smith to 180, some crazy nollie grinds on a ledge down stairs and the biggest icepick grind on a ledge ever. You gotta love it.
There's a good mix section next which I guess is probably the east coast equivalent to the west coast section. Lino has a really good line, Tony Neyer ( who's last name kind of sounds like a derogatory term for black people which might make him an accidental racist ) kills it, Joof gets a clip and other people do other things.
Next up is the "GREASE TOUR" which features Steve-O, Marlon, Oba, Joof, Jarrod Allen, Nick Steben, Rahmel and Ralphie. After sitting through listening to some gay lord freestyle for 20 seconds and Rah dance for some reason it gets down to the riding. Steve does a ton of good rail shit, Marlon does the best front wheel lines, Rah icepicks up a rail, and Joof does the longest icepick. Oba does this HUGE smith. Jarrod does a huge fucking gap. I really like this part, it comes off as just a really fun road trip and the riding is super good.
Anyway you pretty much get what you'd expect from an issue of Shook at this point. It's right on the cutting edge of progressive street riding, it's better than Props and it makes up for being a little bit short by being top quality the whole way through.
Friday, November 17, 2006
Random News ( 11/17/06 )
Guess what Jake Seeley did down this set? While wearing a The Come Up shirt none the less... you'll probably find out in a magazine within a month or two. ( Photo Scott Marceau )
The new Mutiny video is going to be called "Joe Simon hanging out alone with his really nice camera".
Inside look at the new AM/PM video which is in the works.
New Metal paint job. You already know what it is. Check them out ( as well as Sean Burns' other weird ramblings ) at the Metal site.
Seriously, how gay is this picture?
45" bunnyhop. I can't remember if that's a record or something but it looks pretty high.
Posted by
11:32 AM
Can I Poop.
I haven't blatantly stolen anything from BMXBoard in a while, but that was how this whole site started, so I gotta stay true to my roots.
Posted by
8:14 AM
I posted another old Hoder video the other day, but this one is way better. It's nuts that he was doing stuff when he was 17 that made it into his Shook part just a year or two ago.
I found this video on Gangster Biking which is a pretty good site in it's own right.
Posted by
2:59 AM
Labels: BMX, mike hoder
Thursday, November 16, 2006
3 Rail Firsts with George Dossantos
If you're like me and grew up on Don't Quit Your Day Job, George D isn't just some rail boss, he is THE rail boss. In '99 I didn't think you could do much on a rail besides double pegs and icepicks, but George changed all that and helped usher in the era where any trick that can be done on a ledge or a mini ramp can be taken down a handrail too. He was nice enough to fill me in on 3 tricks that he did before anyone else ( he opted to fill us in on his smith to half barspin instead of my first choice, the rail ride, because he says he thinks he was the second person to do it ). Check it:
Crooked 180: When I was 18 I got my license. I had a blue Plymouth Horizon. We used to go down to Philly EVERY weekend. Jeff and Bob had just finished Don't Quit Your Day Job, and everyone was psyched. There was this rail down about 6 or 7 stairs... I forget what building it was in front of. That day I remember Rich Andreu being there, along with my friend Mike. I don't think Bob was there. Me and Rich started riding the rail (no homo). Started doing some tricks down it, I did a feeble, a crooked, and even a double to manual to no footer. I was always good at spinning off of stuff, so in my head I was like, I'll let her rip. Did a few more crooks and the one time that I locked on good, I just swung a 180, and it worked! I wasn't sure if it was gonna cause the rail was down stairs. We all just laughed and my friend Mike started yelling. He still brings it up whenever I see him.
Smith to Half Barspin: This was pretty much around the same era, another Philly trip. Jeff Z. was getting damn good at taking pics and Ride BMX was gonna run a bio of me. This went down on the LOVE park BLUE RAIL. I loved that rail. There were soo many sessions on that thing I get them all mixed up. I remember getting to the rail and wanting to do something cool. I was already pretty confident with smithing down it, so I did a few of those, and even tried a smith to 180 and landed 90... after that didn't work out too well I thought "I still wannna do something different", so I thought of throwing the bars I think I ended up doing 3 or 4 smith turnbars until I finally handed them off. There was no way at that time that I could've thrown a full. I was happy though. I even remember seeing Butcher months later and he was psyched on it... that was awesome.
Half Cab to Rail: This one was kind of weird. Jeff Z. had already moved out to Cali, so shooting pics with him was few and far between. He was out here for some reason I forget. Anyways he wanted to meet up and shoot something... at this point I had already done a half cab to rail, in my Standpoint interview but never shot photos of it. But that was in Ohio so that wouldn't work. So I picked Jeff up at his parents house, and went to the Monroe rail 3 towns over from where I live. It was strange 'cause it was just me and Jeff, and he didn't even bring his bike, just his camera stuff. He asked what I wanted to do and I was like I guess half cab to rail, and he was like "ohhhh man that would be awesome"... I laughed and said, if I get on I'm gonna 180 out of it. So I did a couple of 180's and rolled backwards to the rail a few times. And then within a few more I got a perfect setup and just hopped up, I couldn't believe I didn't miss, slid down and as I got to the end of the rail I made sure I 180ed out. I heard the shutter on the camera going crazy. I turned around and just started laughing and Jeff was doing his laughing/yelling "YES! YES! George muthfucking D!" and then he got on his cell and called Losey to tell him what had just happened. Very interesting.....
You can comment on this post by clicking here.
Posted by
8:57 PM
Labels: animal, BMX, crooked grind, George Dossantos, handrail
( Rodizzle photo by Matty Long )
New BLT preview. This looks very good. Check out another trailer from them here. The UK is killing it.
A dude posted on my board saying that the Rodeo Peanut mixtape is out and available through Animal. That's all I've heard though, I def wanna see this.
John Heaton Nair's his own asshole. I had my girl Nair my chest and back the other day and besides removing maybe half of the hair, that shit is worthless. It hurt too, I can't really imagine putting it on my butthole. Also who would have ever thought Morgan Wade could do the Rubik's Cube?
Kevin Porter Top 5 List.
Jay Z's new Jim Jones diss.
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Tuesday, November 14, 2006
The biggest 180 barspin ever? Or at least since Ratboy?
Also check out the new Animal shirts:
Comment on this post by clicking here ( did I mention the board has 415 members and moves just as fast if not faster than any other BMX related board? I'm coming for the number one spot like Luda, bitches ).
Posted by
9:09 PM
Right here motherfuckers. Review coming soon.
Comment on this post by clicking here.
Posted by
12:10 AM
Over here at The Come Up I pride myself on bringing you the newest, hottest news in BMX. Well ladies and gentlemen, it seems that the kickflip is back from the grave courtesy of Steven Hamilton:
( Photo: Seth Holton )
Check it out full size on the Animal site. Is the excessive peg bonk the next trick to make its return to its former glory???
I know you want to comment on this photo on The Come Up Board by clicking here.
Posted by
12:00 AM
Labels: BMX, cookeback, kickflip, no homo, peg tap, steven hamilton, street gap
Monday, November 13, 2006
Probably the best shirts I've seen from them so far. Check out the rest of the site here.
Comment on this post by clicking here.
Posted by
11:57 PM
Labels: Anna Nicole Smith, Antlers, Blackman, BMX, Jazzy Jeff, Manmade, Will Smith
Random shit.
( Photo by Quis )
Van Homan interview.
Panoramic view of the Brooklyn Banks. Check out the rest of the Ride LI site too. Also check out how many times it says Blackman on the banks.
Check that out if you're in the area.
THE COME UP BOARD is going good. Lots of good threads and 395 registered members in like a week of it's existence. JOIN NOW!!!
Posted by
9:36 AM
Sunday, November 12, 2006
New Peg Leg edit, click here. This is the last online edit before the video drops which has a tenative release date of soon after February.
Posted by
6:54 PM
Saturday, November 11, 2006
This rules...
Also check out this Track 3 video and then add them on Myspace:
Edit out of boredom
Posted by
4:47 PM
Friday, November 10, 2006
Oba Stanley - Monster smith grind.
Rah Rah - Icepick up.
Both of these pictures are from the Shook road trip in the new issue ( which by the way I should have in my hands to review in a couple of days, thanks Odyssey ). Check out a few more pictures from the trip on The Come Up Board ( and sign up! ).
Also, Nation BMX has a new blog going, mainly updated by Steve-o and it has a cool new video up of Spam and Paino. Check it out.
Posted by
5:28 PM
Thursday, November 09, 2006
( Garret Reynolds photo by Chris Marshall. Thanks Steve-o. )
New Mofrowz edit.
Steve DFTU and his boys are doing a radio show. Listen to that shit and peep the The Come Up logo on the flyer.
V Club is premiering their new video at T1. Check that out, or if you don't live in Austin, just buy it when it drops. Word.
Posted by
11:10 PM
Focal Point DVD Review
Getting videos to review has been kind of a blessing and a curse. On one hand it's cool to get videos for free, on the other hand if someone sends me a totally horrible video I'm going to feel bad being honest about it since they are obviously stoked on my site enough to want me to review it. Luckily that's not the case with "What" the new DVD from Focal Point BMX out of Australia.
( Note: Watch this trailer before you read my review to get an idea of what the vibe of this video is like. )
The video starts with a solid part via Cooper Brownlee. It's a long one, 2 songs worth, but he shows pretty good range, all on street with lots of barspins, grind variations, rail moves and he finishes the part with a solid predator grind ( double peg to over double peg ) on a handicapped rail. Next is a mix section edited to The Doors showcasing a lot of talented kids shredding street with some good park footage too. Then Chris Matthews turns in another solid part full of creative street lines and ends it with a burly jump over smith grind.
Fourth section goes to Dean Johnson who does some ill backwards manuals, good icepick grind lines and a couple of barspin bomb drops. He finishes with a crooked grind down a kinked rail too... not bad. Next Troy Jackson seriously kills. He does ridiculous street lines all with awesome style. Big kinked rails, perfect tailwhips and impressive street prowess. Lou Reeves puts together a solid part next. There are only so many ways for me to say "does really good tricks on street with good style" but that's what this video serves up, pretty consistently.
Daniel Johnson gets final part duty and he handles that responsibility well. Hang over tooth picks both ways, crazy grind variations... he is noticeably riding on a higher level than the other riders in the video and his style is dialed too.
I'm struggling to find anything negative to say about the video. The soundtrack is pretty good and kind of All Day-esque meaning a lot of good hip hop joints mixed with some soft / classic rock and I think that works well for the video. It has a noticeable Animal/Voices-esque vibe to it and while it lacks a stand out part comparable to Tom Blythe's part in Voices or Steven Hamilton/Edwin's sections in Can I Eat, the video as a whole is better than the vast majority of videos coming out these days. Each section holds its own and it's probably 85 percent street with some quality park footage thrown in, which I think is a good ratio.
I haven't had much time to delve into the bonus section yet but I'm watching the "World Tour" part now and it's solid, plus I noticed that each rider has an alternative edit too which is a cool idea.
Overall I'm really impressed by this and recommend you pick it up. They sent me a copy of their magazine which they put out themselves too and that's also pretty rad so you might want to grab an issue of that while you're at it. You can check out their website here.
You can comment on this entry ( and probably get any questions you have for the guys in the video answered ) by clicking here.
Posted by
11:02 PM
Jadakiss - The Champ Is Here
"The aim is to get y'all open. Early 80s, coke was fluffy, way more potent."
When it comes to Jada, this mixtape is widely considered to be better than any of his albums including Kiss Of Death, the album is tried to promote. Although they have since fallen out, Green Lantern and Kiss showed some serious chemistry.
Download here.
Posted by
4:16 AM
God damn.
Chad Moore - Uprail to 180 downside whip ( half decade half 180 thing ). I heard about this for a few days but just saw the picture thanks to K. Sanchez the mexican.
Posted by
1:16 AM
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
I've never really posted about music before on here outside of hip hop, but this band is too fucking good. They are often compared to that band Ignite ( who you might remember from Rich Andreu's part in DQYDJ ). I guess if I had to describe them outside of comparing them to other bands I'd just say that they are very catchy, melodic hardcore with singy vocals and really short songs ( based on the 2 mp3s them have online anyway ). Anyway their album is hitting the streets soon, they are signed to Rock Vegas Records out of Brockton and if you live in the New England area you can probably check them out soon.
Click here for their Myspace. Listen to the tracks and add them if you're into it.
EDIT: You can listen to their brand new song by clicking on this link and clicking on "ENERGY BRAND NEW". This shit is so good.
Posted by
5:39 PM
I'm the ice cream truck man.
New Orchid ad featuring Kevin Porter. Click here for details on what exactly he's doing.
New Shook trailer. Looks pretty good even though there is mysteriously no sound.
Video part from Germany. Pretty good stuff.
Ryan Mills is off Premium and on Failure.
Tony Neyer is apparently off Fly.
Lino bike check.
There's a new 2Hip seat out which uses the Macneil pivotal technology.
Ride LI has a bunch of good new photos. Check out this panoramic view of the FDR park. Awesome.
Posted by
4:41 PM
Yo, real quick if you are having problems with your bookmarks to The Come Up here's the deal:
1) The current URL which always works is www.thecomeupbmx.blogspot.com
2) www.thecomeupbmx.net is not currently working but will be once I have the new site up ( hopefully soon ).
3) www.thecomeupbmx.com is not my URL and while it was linking to this site for a while, it isn't right now for whatever reason. I'll try to get that sorted out soon.
4) www.thecomeupboard.com is an entirely seperate URL that hosts The Come Up's messageboard and nothing else.
Word. I got a couple of posts to make before the night is over, keep checking back.
Posted by
3:32 PM
Labels: bicycles, BMX, queer eye for a straight guy