Wednesday, November 08, 2006


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I've never really posted about music before on here outside of hip hop, but this band is too fucking good. They are often compared to that band Ignite ( who you might remember from Rich Andreu's part in DQYDJ ). I guess if I had to describe them outside of comparing them to other bands I'd just say that they are very catchy, melodic hardcore with singy vocals and really short songs ( based on the 2 mp3s them have online anyway ). Anyway their album is hitting the streets soon, they are signed to Rock Vegas Records out of Brockton and if you live in the New England area you can probably check them out soon.

Click here for their Myspace. Listen to the tracks and add them if you're into it.

EDIT: You can listen to their brand new song by clicking on this link and clicking on "ENERGY BRAND NEW". This shit is so good.