Wednesday, September 27, 2006


When Steve sent me this video of Joof the filename was "" which I thought was pretty funny. He's really good, check it out.

There's some stuff of his friend in there too but I don't know his name, someone fill me in.

And I gotta go but if this video doesn't work I'll fix it later, Youtube hasn't verified it yet.


2 things, thanks to Fit for linking to my site. I'm thinking about buying the new Edwin frame.

And check out the Seth Kimbrough interview on the Ride site.

Also I really don't think Youtube is ever going to make the Joof video work.


Anonymous said...

jeff dupaul is the reason my pee is cloudy...uh ohhhhhh!

Anonymous said...

the first clip is pat cecilian from flemington..the last dude is jeff teague

Anonymous said...

joof is an indian giver