Monday, September 18, 2006

Rustic BMX Trailer.


Anonymous said...

Absolutely no editing involved in that what so ever, but it was still enjoyable, is it a local video or what? Anything with a Steve Croteau part in it is pretty much guarenteed to rule

Adam22 said...

yeah, local CT video. i thought it was real good.

Anonymous said...

this edit was originally for our riding buddy in iraq who wanted to see what we have been doing this past year hes been there, but were in the process of making a video so this edit can be used for both purposes but you haters can hate all you want

Anonymous said...

i personally thought this was an awesome video. good job guys, it kicked ass. do you have the name of the person that sings that song or the song name, cause the song was awesome

Anonymous said...

stars- look up

Anonymous said...

thank you very much

Anonymous said...

I was the first anonymous to leave a comment and I wasn't hating. Shut up.