Tuesday, August 15, 2006

NEWS 8/15/06

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Crazy picture of Mike Hoder I found on the Woozy site. Their site is definetly bookmark worthy.

The dudes over at Degrip were cool enough to throw up a link to my site. One love to those guys, they really inspire me to make this site better.

I had a nice talk with Jeff K ( or as I prefer to call him, the dude who rode down that kinked rail in Shook ) who I'm interviewing last night. His new video has a Myspace allready up for it. He doesn't know what it's going to be called yet but check out the list of riders he told me are going to be in it: "Lil Jon, Jeff Wescott/Grant Castaluzzo, Eric Holley/Nick Anderson, Tony Neyer, Karl Poynter, Dominic Trovato, Mike Hinkens, Anthony Villani/Steve-O, Tony Maloof, Quinn Semling, Richard Mungall, Dave Friemuth." And that's just the full parts, not the random clips. Nuts.

Jeff also helps run Mid West BMX, which is a really good site with a ton of videos, none of which I am able to watch right now because YouTube is down.

Fakie to fakie barspin up a 3 stair to fakie turndown down a 3 stair. I wish I could figure out how to directly link to stuff from bmxonline. It's listed under August 15th.

Mo money.