Sunday, October 22, 2006


This is Seth Kimbrough's part from the Hoffman Testimony video. He's come a long way. No more brakes, no more wacky Coolio-style dreads, no more wallet chain and hopefully he won't ride to garbage music or use that creepy cruci-fiction imagery in his next part. He's one of my favorite riders, but compare the shit he does in this part and the shit he did in Road Fools 15 and you will see what I mean.

And here are the 4 full Shook 4 edits. Watching all of them is probably not a good idea, just pick one and go with it. If you ask me the Adam Armstrong sections are by far the best part. Big thanks to thetruth from BMXBoard for this.


Anonymous said...

shine newbie^

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Seth rode to trash music. It should have been some rap, that would have made it a lot better. < /sarcasm>