Saturday, October 28, 2006


This is just awful. I don't understand anyone who would do something like that knowing that there is a like 90% chance you are going to end up in the hospital. Also would anyone have thought less of him for wearing a helmet? Come on kids. I don't want to sound like an old man, but be smart.


Anonymous said...

a helmet would have done almost nothing, unless he was wearing a full face.

steven hamilton did almost the same thing in the orchid video, except the set was about 3/4 as big. luckily he blew off the back of his bike...

Anonymous said...

anyone know how this guy turned out?

Anonymous said...

looks like he made it though, round 2? hahaha

Anonymous said...

who is this guy? hopefully hsi face wasn't ripped off. and yea, wtf he would be smarter to be riding 48's than wearing a helmet if you think about it, it looked like he knew exactly what he was doing, who would try such a thing if they didn't feel confident about it, na mean?

Anonymous said...

that isnt sean burns is it?

Anonymous said...

not sean burns

Anonymous said...

this is the first post that you are actually in the right.

wear a helmet.

p.s. give photo credits on all photos besides your butt love Lotek. he had the only photo that had credit and you knew why... cause he would see it and call you out.

give more photo credit you twiller.

Anonymous said...

the kids name is alex liiv. he is from sydney, australia.
he had to have emergency plastic surgery to fix his face and is now back on the bike. i think he learnt a lesson that day.

Anonymous said...

nooooooooooo... why is this video no longer avalible??? That was the shizzle, that guy had some major balls man, poor guy. :( I wish their was more angles or better quality!