Lucky it wasn't worse, 8 foot drop into 2 feet of water while ghost riding and basicly landing face first into the bike everytime.The best was the dude's face when he realised what just happened, no actually "Call the police" tops it.
yea seriously i would have hit a main artery in his situation.
i bet that little fat kid wont do that again...and normally when you bail you throw the back away from you not under you
its fakepause the picture on the gore at the end before he says dont do stupide shit then look at his ankle. he is wearing like rubber shit, plus look at the blood. everything about this is fake
man thats wild
looks like piss and shit canal water, too. hopefully his leg didn't get infected and have to be amputated.
that made my day
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Lucky it wasn't worse, 8 foot drop into 2 feet of water while ghost riding and basicly landing face first into the bike everytime.
The best was the dude's face when he realised what just happened, no actually "Call the police" tops it.
yea seriously i would have hit a main artery in his situation.
i bet that little fat kid wont do that again...and normally when you bail you throw the back away from you not under you
its fake
pause the picture on the gore at the end before he says dont do stupide shit then look at his ankle. he is wearing like rubber shit, plus look at the blood. everything about this is fake
man thats wild
looks like piss and shit canal water, too. hopefully his leg didn't get infected and have to be amputated.
that made my day
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